Kim Highsmith (Key West City Commisison District 4)

Kim Highsmith
2624 Seidenberg Ave
Key West, FL 33040
[email protected]


I’m Kim Highsmith, and for more than 15 years I’ve been part of the fabric of our Key West community. I have a BA in Communications from the University of South Florida, served on the Key West Citizen Editorial Board, the Board of Hometown!, and graduated from the Key West Ambassadors Academy (Class 32), while also volunteering, and working full-time as an investigator.

I support Safer Cleaner Ships and the will of the voters. I’ll advocate for more resources and attention to our residential neighborhoods, so the island continues to be a place we want to call home. I’ll advocate for alternative solutions to the affordable housing crisis, including strict regulation of the growing number of illegal vacation rentals which are consuming our desperately needed housing stock. I’ll advocate for more sidewalks, bike paths, and green spaces, and fewer potholes, in our neighborhoods. I am here for the community!




Disclaimer: Hometown! does not edit/modify any candidate submission for either clarity and precision of language, or for logic of argumentation and organization. The submissions are posted on the Hometown! website as received, and are neither fact-checked nor edited for grammar, misspellings, typos, and style.
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