Jim Scholl (R) BOCC District 3


Address: PO Box 555, Key West, FL 33041
Phone #: (305) 304-4379
Email: Jim@JimScholl.com
web: www.Jimscholl.com


Jim Scholl is a 21-year resident of the Lower Keys and the current Monroe County Commissioner for District 3.  A community engaged Navy Veteran, he holds a critical seat on the Florida Defense Support Task Force, is a long-term board member and president of the Sigsbee Charter School, and past Sunrise Rotary president.  He has been a leader and change maker at every level of government, serving as Commanding Officer of NAS Key West, two terms as Key West City Manager, and now as County Commissioner.

Jim believes government should be responsive and responsible to taxpayers and takes pride in working with colleagues from across the spectrum of governments, nonprofits, industry, and constituents to find solutions to our biggest challenges.  Steady and decisive in crisis, deliberate and inclusive in governance, Jim Scholl is the public servant we know and trust to ensure future vitality and resilience in Monroe County.


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